This behavior is a result of the way that PHP. In the beginning of each iteration, expr2 is evaluated. The syntax of a for loop is: for (expr1 expr2 expr3) statement The first expression ( expr1) is evaluated (executed) once unconditionally at the beginning of the loop. For example, if you need to have the elements presented in ascending order by key, use the ksort function to rearrange the elements of the array in key sequence. for loops are the most complex loops in PHP. So, not content with the loop structures already. For an array, foreach presents the elements of the array in the order that they were added to the array.

I want to loop through the table with a nested foreach, but I dont get it to work. The creators of PHP have gone to great lengths to make the language easy to use. En PHP 7, foreach no utiliza el puntero interno del array. Ya que foreach depende el puntero de array interno en PHP 5, cambiar éste dentro del bucle puede conducir a un comportamiento inesperado. I have a collction of posts I´l like to show in a table. Esto significa que no es necesario llamar la función reset() antes de un bucle foreach. If you prefer a solution that does not require the initialization of the counter outside the loop, then you can compare the current iteration key against the function that tells you the last / first key of the array.